What is the 7 Generation Philosophy?

The 7 Generation Philosophy underpins the US Constitution - but what is it and how does it make us become better investors?
The wisdom of the Iroquois Nation carries with it a philosophy deeply rooted in the consciousness of our planet.
Known as the Seven Generations Principle, it holds that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future. There are some interpretations of it which hold that the "7 Generations" are counted as our 3 immediate ancestors, and our 3 immediate descendants; that we should do our ancestors proud and honour the future of our descendants. Regardless on the methodology used to count those years the spirit of the philosophy is the same - we should consider how the decisions we make today impacts, supports and honours others.
The Seven Generations philosophy implores us to think not merely of our immediate needs but to consider the impact of our choices on those yet to come. It implores us to think about the careful stewardship of our resources, preservation of harmony with nature, and a profound sense of duty towards the future.
We carry this very concept tightly in our hearts and minds as we make our investment decisions and work with founders and investors as we chart a path towards a planet-conscious future.
Implementing the Philosophy in ClimateTech Investment
At 7Generation Ventures, we embrace the courage to invest in long-term solutions. In fact, we see it as the only thing worth investing in - companies that are building long-lasting, planet-changing and defensible impact.
Of course money can be made by investing in other industries, and verticals. And of course there are investment worthy start ups that may very well fall outside of the Climate + Sustainability arena. But there are also other investors to invest in those companies.
We believe we need to take radical responsibility for the future that we leave our descendants and so wish to deploy every tool at our disposal to craft a more harmonious world. By weaving the Seven Generations philosophy into our investment strategy and our decision making process, we form the foundation for sustainable growth and responsible stewardship.
The approach is threefold:
a. Foresight and Patience: Unlike short-term gains that may provide fleeting success, we direct our focus on projects that promise enduring value. Our investments in ClimateTech are carefully chosen to bring lasting change, even if that means slower growth initially.
b. Resilience and Adaptability: The world of ClimateTech is ever-evolving. Adhering to the Seven Generations Principle, we persistently adapt and prepare for the challenges ahead. Like a tree with deep roots, we grow, not merely to reach the sky but to withstand storms.
c. Inclusivity and Responsibility: We invest with the understanding that the actions we take will resonate through time. This implies a shared responsibility with startups, angels, and limited partners to align our investments with a broader vision for humanity.
The journey of 7Generation Ventures is not merely about profit; it is a path marked by intention, compassion, and a bold commitment to the world we hope to create.
In the Climate and Sustainability space, we find the tools to heal and renew our planet, and in the Seven Generations philosophy, we find the wisdom to wield those tools with care.
Investing in ClimateTech is not just a commercial endeavor; it is a manifestation of our belief that we are caretakers of this world and have the power to make it better.
It is our duty, and with thoughtful consideration and unwavering resolve, we shall forge the path for generations to come.
Our choices today will echo through time, and we shall ensure that the echoes speak of wisdom, compassion, and foresight.
Join us, as we walk this path together, for the future is not a distant shore; it is a world we create with every step, every decision, every investment.